Intern Online assessment - General Medicine


During Unit duty 

Case 1

My Orientation around this case :
1. What might be the reason of his breathlessness? 
Ans. May be due to binge of alcohol intake

2. What are his precipitating factor for breathlessness? 
Ans. - H/o asthma since 3yrs 
        - allergy to dust 
        - binge alcohol intake 

3. What are his systemic examination finding? 
Ans. In Respiratory system examination, B/L rhochi present in Infra-axillary area. 

4. Why Inj. Thiamine is usually given to chronic alcoholic? 
Ans. To prevent Thiamine induced Wernick's Encephalopathy. 

Case 2

My orientation around this case :
1. What is the mechanism of development of AKI in patient with NSAID abuse? 
Ans. Reduced renal blood flow due to decreased Prostagandin synthesis which regulate vasodilatation at the glomerular level. 

Case 3

My orientation around this case: 
1. What is the reason of SOB in this patient? 
Ans. Deranged ABG
2. What is the reason of fatty liver in this patient? 
Ans. Patient was chronic alcoholic

Case 4 :

During ICU duty 

- Have done for CPR a patient in ICU bed no. 6 along with the help of PG's

- Have learnt to withdraw blood samples by sisters 

- Have taken ABG samples in patients of ICU and AMC 

- Have learnt suturing by PG sir during Central line insertion 

During Nephro duty 

- Collected ABG samples 

- learnt to put Foley's catheter and Ryles tube 

During Ward duty 

- Have learnt how to feed by rules tules 

- takes samples for various tests 


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